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Hyperion Account

Video Summary:

Every student at the University of Regina receives an account in the computer system called HYPERION. This account is available for a student as long as they are a student at the University.

You will need the Hyperion account to do the following:

To find your Hyperion Account, change your Hyperion password, or enable printing in computer labs on campus, you can select one of the following:

  1. Find Username and Password, or
  2. Change Password, or
  3. Enable Printing

from the web page Information Services - Student Support . Please note that some services do not work unless you have changed your password from the default.

Once you have your Hyperion account username and password, you can use WebMail, which is the official communication tool on campus.

Check your email regularly.
Your class and lab instructors will send you class and lab related information through this email. For example, the midterm date, lecture notes, and lab test reminders will be sent by email.
Click this link to check your email.