CS210 Lab: Operator Overloading and "This"

Prelab Questions:

For a review of relevant topics click here.

Highlights of This Lab:

Lab Exercise:

Click the little computer above for a detailed description.

1. Definition of Operator Overloading

Operator Overloading allows you to redefine the functioning of certain operators, such as "+", "-", "=", ">>", "<<" (a complete chart is below).

The question is: why would you want to do this?
Because, sometimes it is more intuitive to simply be able to write the short form of an operation. For instance consider this example of adding two arrays.

Instead of writing a for statement every time you add two arrays together, it would be nice to instead write:

array3=array1 + array2;
To be able to do this, you must overload the "+" operator. To overload any operator, you use the keyword operator and then the operator character. We will discuss the details in Section 2.

The following table (taken from C++ Primer, Lippman and Lajoie) is the predefined set of C++ operators that may be overloaded:

Table of Overloadable Operators
+ - * / % ^ & | ~
! , = < > <= >= ++ --
<< >> == != && || += -= /=
%= ^= &= |= *= <<= >>= [] ()
-> ->* new new[] delete delete[]      

NOTE: the point of operator overloading is to be intuitive. You do not want to assign a confusing operator name. For instance, you do not want to overload the "+" when the function actually performs subtraction.

2. Operator Overloading Using a Friend

Given the code above, we want to overload the addition operator to write:
array3=array1 + array2;
This involves some manipulation on the code in Section 1.

Let's show the code for the myarray class and the overloaded "+":

Notice the following:


2.1 A Noteworthy "friend"

Pay attention to the body of the operator+ function. We are trying to access the value array, which is a private data member. Normally, this would yield a compiler error. We have two options:
  1. make value a public data member so that anything can access it. This is NOT a good option because it goes against the principles of object oriented programming. Anything could then modify the value array.
  2. make the operator+ function a friend to myarray. This is a better option. When we specify that the operator+ function is a "friend", we trust it enough to give it access to the private data members in myarrray. Therefore, in the body of the operator+ function we can access the value array.

3. Member Operator Overloading

Another way that we can overload an operator is as a member function.

The code would look like the following:


How can that be?

You can view the following code:

array3=array1 + array2;
as being rewritten by the compiler as:
This is because array1 is an object of myarray class, and operator+ is a member function. It is the same idea as calling another member function such as: array1.getvalue(0);.

In the overloaded operator case however, the compiler is smart enough to figure out that when you write array1 + array2, what you actually mean is array1.operator+(array2).

This is where this pointer comes in handy.

4. The "this" Pointer

For an introduction to the "this" Pointer, click here

Whenever a member function is called, an implicit argument, specifically, a pointer to the object that generated the call, is automatically passed to the function. This pointer is called this.

How do you know when to use what?

To summarize, sometimes you have a choice of defining the overloaded operator function as a member function or a non-member function. It is a matter of preference as to which you find more comfortable and easy. However, there are two situations where you are forced to use only one of the two options:
  1. When the left-hand side is not an object (for instance, when the left-hand side is a integer) such as: you must define it as a non-member function

  2. For the following operators, you can only define them as member functions You will get a compiler error if you try and overload these operators as non-member functions.
What is the difference between member and non-member functions?

5. Lab Exercise

There are two parts to the exercise. The first part is a pen and paper component where you make a table to show your understanding of overloading operators in the two ways discussed above—as member functions and as non-member functions. The second part is programming. Zip part1 and part 2 together and sumbit it before the due date.

Part 1

Complete the following tables: write out the answer in the markdown file in Replit (placing text between two | makes it part of a table in markdown).

Assume that a and b are myarray objects. Specify the corresponding member and non-member prototypes for the following overloaded operator expressions. If you cannot define the prototypes in one of these ways, please specify with an N/A. The first two have been completed for you.

Expression  Defined as Member Functions  Defined as Non-Member Functions
 a+b  myarray operator+(myarray b)   myarray operator+(myarray a, myarray b) 
 1+a  N/A  myarray operator+(int a, myarray b)

Specify which of the following are Member Functions and which are Non-Member Functions:

  Member Non-Member
int myclass::sum(void)    
float min(float a, float b)    

Part 2

When you are finished you should have:

  1. The subtraction operator overloaded as a member, but commented out
  2. The subtraction operator overloaded as a non-member
  3. The ostream insertion operator << overloaded
  4. Both tables filled in on README.md. Please pay attention to the return types - not every operator returns a "myarray" object
Example run:

A sample output for lab two showing 4 lines reading newarray, with the last one being -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 after subtractions are finished

6. Postlab Exercises

For postlab exercices, click here.

© Copyright: Department of Computer Science, University of Regina.