CS207 Lab First Day Handout
Head Lab Instructor: Alex Clarke
Email Address: Alex.Clarke@uregina.ca
Lab Office Hours:
CL119 (in-person) |
SL006 (remote)
Lab Information
- Please read the lab material before coming to the lab.
- Lab exercises are 12% of your total grade. That's 1.5% each for labs 2
through 9.
- Regular lab exercises are to be completed during
lab time. You will demonstrate working Arduino sketches to your lab
instructor before the end of the lab.
- Challenges are extra work related to some
part of the lab. They may be demonstrated during the lab instructor's
office hours or at the beginning of the subsequent lab. They are
worth one mark, and may be counted as a bonus or as part of the lab's
marks. Check the lab marking scheme for details.
- For some labs you will be asked to submit answers to exercise
questions and sketch code online to Schoology before the subsequent
lab. Deadlines will be enforced.
- The lab instructor will not post solutions to the labs.
- If you need help with a lab, come see Alex during his office hours. See URCourses for a his office hours schedule and locations.
Alex or your Lab TA mark labs, not assignments.
- Though labs are posted ahead of time, their content may be
changed at the instructor's discretion - this is especially likely this semester since we are transitioning back to an in-person format.
- The method of marking varies from lab to lab. Check the lab's
Exercises section for details.
- If you are present for attendance and work thoughout the lab, you will
automatically receive 1 mark toward an in-lab demonstration.
- Late submissions or submissions in the wrong section, without valid
reason, will be marked at a penalty of 50%.
- If you cannot attend your regular lab section due to illness,
interviews, funerals, etc, let your lab instructor know prior to (or the
same day of) the lab. Arrangements will be made so that the 50% penalty
does not apply.
- I encourage group interactions. I expect, however, that each person
will be able to uniquely explain how they obtained results for an