CS115 Lab: C++ Overloading

Highlights of this lab:

In this lab you will learn how to overload functions and operators. You will be able to recognize and write overloaded functions and you will be able to define your own operators. Specifically, the following topics will be covered:

Lab Exercise:

Click the little computer above for a detailed description.
NOTE: Your lab instructor will tell you what will be marked for this lab.

1. What is Overloading

Overloading is a component of polymorphism in C++. It lets a programmer use one function name for multiple functions. The compiler chooses what implementation to use based on the arguments provided in the call. Functions can be overloaded to handle different types of data and different numbers of parameters. You can also overload certain operators, including +, /, <<, and even [ ]. This can add power and ease of use to user defined data types.

2. Function Overloading

Briefly, function overloading means two or more functions share the same name but their parameters are different.  In this situation, the functions that share the same name are said to be overloaded and the process is called function overloading .  The number and types of a function's parameters are called the function's signature. Together a function's name and its signature uniquely identify it.

2.1 Parameter Type Overloading

This refers to the situation where the overloaded functions have the same number of parameters, but the types are different.

// File name: /pub/class/115/ftp/cpp/Inheritance/OverloadSingle.cpp
// Purpose:   Demonstrate single parameter overloading

//Overloaded functions with same number of parameters, but 
//different types.
void timesTwo(int &num);
void timesTwo(double &num);

int main(void)
   int    A = 1;
   double B = 1.1;

   timesTwo(A); // Changes A to 2
   timesTwo(B); // Changes B to 2.2

// handle int type
void timesTwo(int &num)
   num = num * 2;

// handle double type
void timesTwo(double &num)
   num = num * 2.0;

In the above example, there are two versions of the timesTwo function; one deals with integers and the other deals with double.  When we call the function with different data types, the compiler is able to decide which version of the timesTwo() function to call by comparing the type of the argument in the function call with the type of the parameter of the available function versions. If the call argument is of type int then the function version with an int parameter is called. Similarly if the call argument is of type double then the function version with a double parameter is called.

2.2 Parameter Number Overloading

This refers to the situation where the types of parameters of the overloaded functions may or may not be the same and the number of parameters is different.

Let's look at the following example:

// File name: /pub/class/115/ftp/cpp/Inheritance/OverloadMultiple.cpp
// Purpose:   Demonstrate multiple parameter overloading 

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void add(int i, int j);
void add(int i, double j);
void add(int i, int j, int k);

int main(void)
   int    A = 1, B = 2, C = 3;
   double D = 1.1;

   add(A, B); //  1 + 2 => add prints 3
   add(A, D); //  1 + 1.1 => add prints 2.1
   add(A, B, C); // 1 + 2 + 3 => add prints 6

void add(int i, int j)
	cout << "Result: " << i + j << endl;
void add(int i, double j)
	cout << "Result: " << i + j << endl;
void add(int i, int j, int k)
	cout << "Result: " << i + j + k << endl;

The above program gives the following results:

hercules[18]% g++ -o OverloadMultiple OverloadMultiple.cpp
hercules[19]% ./OverloadMultiple
Result: 3
Result: 2.1
Result: 6

2.3 Overloading Member Functions

Nothing special is required to overload member functions. You simply need to declare and define member functions with the same name but different signatures. Consider the following example:

//In point.h
class Point
   int coord[2];  //represents x and y 

   //add scalar to "coord"
   void addCoord(int); 
   //add another coordinte to "coord"  
   void addCoord(const Point &); 
//In matrix.cpp
void Point::addCoord(int a)
void Point::addCoord(const Point & otherCoord) 

How do you identify a member function from a non-member function?

3. Operator Overloading

The idea of operator overloading is that you create a special named function with the operator keyword infront of the symbol. For example to overload + you would use the function name operator+.

The following table (taken from C++ Primer, Lippman and Lajoie) is the predefined set of C++ operators that may be overloaded:

Table of Overloadable Operators

    + - * / % ^ & | ~
    ! , = < > <= >= ++ --
    << >> == != && || += -= /=
    %= ^= &= |= *= <<= >>= [] ()
    -> ->* new new[] delete delete[]      

You cannot overload ::, .*, . or ?:.

NOTE: the point of operator overloading is to be intuitive. You do not want to assign a confusing operator name. For instance, you do not want to overload the "+" when the function actually performs subtraction.

Review Unary and Binary

3.2 Overloading ==

Let's say you have the Date class that you created in a previous lab. You want to write:

if (date1 == date2)
	cout << "The dates are the same";

In the following subsections, we will look at two ways of implementing this

3.2.1 Overloading As a Member Function

You can modify the sameDay function to the following:

bool Date::operator==(const Date& myDate) const
    if (month == myDate.month && day == myDate.day && year == myDate.year)
        return true;
        return false;

Don't forget to modify the prototype in the Date.h file. Change sameDay to operator==.

The compiler does something behind the scenes for you. When it sees date == date2, it checks if operator== exists as a member function. If it does, then the compiler writes:

date1.operator==(date2)  //the compiler automagically writes this for you 

You can actually write this in the code, but wouldn't you agree that date1 == date2 is more intuitive and easy to read. Thus, the point of operator overloading!

3.2.2 Overloading As a Non-member Function

Above, we overloaded the == as a member function. We could have chosen to define the operator== as a non-member function with two arguments. What would that look like?

bool operator==(const Date& myDate1, const Date& myDate2)
    if (myDate1.getMonth() == myDate2.getMonth() &&
        myDate1.getDay() == myDate2.getDay() &&
        myDate1.getYear() == myDate2.getYear())
        return true;
        return false;

What are the differences?

Why these differences?

This time, when the compiler sees date1 == date2 in main, it will determine that there is a non-member function and rewrite the code as:

operator==(date1,date2) //the compiler automagically writes this for you 

3.3 Overloading ++

Let's say you have the Date class that you created in a previous lab. You want to write:


This will increment the current date1 object (in essence adding one to the day). In the following subsections, we will look at two ways of implementing this.

3.3.1 Overloading As a Member Function

Date Date::operator++()
        if (day == endOfMonth())  //endOfMonth returns 28, 29, 30 or 31 depending on month 
                if (month == 12)
                        year += 1;
                        month = 1;
                        month += 1;
                day = 1;
                day += 1;
        return *this;

Why are there no arguments in this approach to overloading?

What would the compiler write automagically for you?

3.3.2 Overloading As a Non-Member Function

Date operator++(Date& myDate)
        if (myDate.getDay() == myDate.endOfMonth())
                if (myDate.getMonth() == 12)

        return myDate;

What are the differences? Why?

3.4 Do I overload the operator as a non-member or member function?

To summarize, sometimes you have a choice of defining the overloaded operator function as a member function or a non-member function. It is a matter of preference as to which you find more comfortable and easy. However, there are two situations where you are forced to use only one of the two options:

When the left-hand side is not an object (for instance, when the left-hand side is a integer) such as:

you must define it as a non-member function

For the following operators, you can only define them as member functions

You will get a compiler error if you try and overload these operators as non-member functions.

Some programmers prefer to define operators on object/non-object pairs as non-member functions. This way the definition that cannot be a member is defined similarly to the one that can like this:

#include <math.h>


bool operator<(twoD b, int a)
   if (sqrt(b.x*b.x+b.y*b.y) < a) return true;
   return false;
bool operator<(int a, twoD b)
   if (sqrt(b.x*b.x+b.y*b.y) > a) return true;
   return false;

4. Lab Exercise — Overloading

Part 1

  1. Change the sameDay function into a overloaded == operator. This will be a member function as demonstrated in the notes. Remember that you will want to compare the month, day, and year.
  2. Add an overloaded ++ operator (as a member function, shown in the notes)
  3. Just for fun, change the printDate function into an overloaded << operator as a non-member. The prototype in the .h will look like this:
  4. ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const Date&);

    The function itself will look like this:

    ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Date& myDate)
            os << "Date is: " << myDate.getMonth() 
               << "/" << myDate.getDay() 
               << "/" << myDate.getYear() << endl;
            return os;
  5. Explain why operator<< must be overloaded as a non-member.

Part 2

Overload the + operator so that the following lines of code run in main:

        Date date3, date4;
        date3 = date1 + 82;
        date4 = 6 + date2;

More Details:

Sample Run (after Part 2)

Date is: 0/0/0
Please enter integer Year, Day, and Month separated by spaces:  1 1 1 
Please enter integer Year, Day, and Month separated by spaces:  2 2 2 
Date is: 1/1/1
Date is: 2/2/2
The dates are different.
After incrementing
Date is: 1/2/1
Date is: 2/3/2
After addition
Date is: 1/2/1
Date is: 2/3/2
Date is: 3/25/1
Date is: 2/9/2