CS110 Lab Information - Fall 2023

Lab Operation:

  1. Lab is taught in-person in CL135.4 or through ZOOM for remote sections. The ZOOM link is available in CS110 Lab URCourses.
  2. The lab's official programming environment is Replit for teaching. But you may use whatever programming environment you wish at home or for class.
  3. We will take attendance and do all marking in the lab.
  4. Lab is complementary to the classroom teaching. Lab emphasizes practical hands-on experience.
  5. Lab material is available online 24/7: CS110 Lab Material.
    Please read the corresponding lab material and watch all the related videos before coming to the lab.
  6. The lab mark will be 10% of your CS110 class final mark.
  7. For the situation of a late submission or submissions in the wrong lab section without a valid reason, you will lose 50%.
  8. If you do not attend the lab without a valid reason, you will get zero for that lab.
  9. If you cannot attend your regular lab section due to illness, interviews, funerals, etc, arrangements can be made by contacting Coop helper.
  10. Marking Scheme for Weekly lab assignments in the Semester:
        Punctual Attendance        -  1  mark
        Lab Assignments            -  9  marks
        Total Mark for each lab    -  10  marks